#Adrien DID that
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familyagrestefanblog · 2 years ago
Chat Noir in THAT moment of "Revolution"
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May I say with every inch of my heart: fucking THANK YOU Adrien for speaking up to give the governmental and systemically oppressed civilans who think themselves the helpless victims of a normal but highly corrupted, extremely dangerous and selfish person in their mayor’s position an actual VOICE.
And he even did it in probably the savest and most orderly way as well, which ensured that Chloé can neither use the citizens’ reaction against the people themselves nor dismiss it overall because every other approach but EXACTLY what Adrien did here would have resulted in some variation of a chaotic sea of voices and opinions contradicting and clashing each other in various degrees of intensity, favoritism, audibility and spoken CONTENT, in an environment where people could have then freely spoken against and FOR Chloè too.
Ladybug and Chat Noir showing up in a political situation like THIS to get the people on their side to rise up against the corrupted mayor by taking full control of the whole situation should have been an almost IMPOSSIBLE feat to accomplish this quickly and smoothly in execution because a political scenario like this is a literal MINEFIELD as we saw at the end of the last episode. One wrong word and everything could have ended up in total madness that would have either taken a serious amout of time and effort to get back under control or outright through FORCE (or both)
But Adrien was just out here and did it in 5 seconds FLAT.
Thank you Adrien for taking the massive value of your status as Chat Noir into your own hands and acting as the politically most competent and most effective fucker in this entire mess of a situation (besides Lila but that’s a given) as Chloè’s true foil in this entire episode.
You know I would never use the word “perfect” to describe Adrien as a person but I’ve gotta be honest, the way so many massive delicate factors of how to approach not only a political conflict but a full on governmental escalation like this - were a whole sea of angered people have to be lead to speak as a unit - were immediately NAILED with this ONE perfectly timed and worded sentence and this ONE striking hand gesture was pretty fucking close to perfection. Ladybug and Mayor Chloé were having a hero-villain akuma pissing contest of moralities and Chat Noir just pulled all of that back into harsh reality with one swift action to actually give the power back to the people. Let’s fucking GO!
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That was the most effective, competent, responsible and situation-appropriate (and that in corrupted POLITICS) leadership action being taken in the entire episode and it was done in 5 seconds flat by Chat Noir who eagerly wanted to intervene since right the beginning of the episode. No wasting time holding a speech, no unnecessary hero smack talk, no showmanship and no personal verbal morality battles. Just using his status to act as a leader for the civilian people so they can join him to act as one strong unit no matter their age, voice volume, body height, strength etc, 👏it 👏did👏 not👏 matter. 👏
(only people without arms would have been excluded, if you really wanna nit-pick)
He did everything so fucking RIGHT in that moment. Through providing them with a clear-cut language and morality standpoint from his part - without making it about himself-, an easy and situation-specific & very fast, universal and practical but also very impactful way to communicate their game-changing opinion for this ONE specific point he names very forthright and that calls the problem right out on it’s core, so Chloè and the people who support her have no wiggle room to shut it down or dismiss it through pocking holes by claiming people could have misinterpreted what he meant.
5 fucking seconds. PLEASE make it entire episodes!
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trashart00 · 1 month ago
Not even 20 minutes into Season 6 and Adrienette have already committed a crime
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raptorwozhere · 3 months ago
Marinette and Kagami episodes are some of my favourites because every time they interact it looks like this:
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Additionally if we add the senti-twin-cousins into the mix it just becomes three autistic-coded senti-people and their emotional support chaotic adhd-er
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anna-scribbles · 4 months ago
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world’s normalest family wishes you a happy halloween!
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art-the-f-up · 7 months ago
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hear me out... what if...
(I'm tired but I'll provide more context in a reblog later)
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logically-asexual · 1 year ago
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nathalie as that mom helping her kids with a difficult super mario level
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bigfatbreak · 1 year ago
I'm sitting very politely and asking if it would be possible to see Adrien akumatised by Viceroy. Even if you don't want to, letting you know I'm insane about all your AUs (and your art in general, alien behaviour Shadow was so cool), you do such amazing work and I am completely normal about it
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(Caspases' concept art beloooow)
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tizzymcwizzy · 1 year ago
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did a quick redraw of this adrinette pencil sketch i did about 3 years ago! there's some mistakes in the new one, but i think the improvement is there :)
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i was gonna tack this on at this end of the last post but thought it deserves it’s own post 💀 because AINT NO WAY ADRIEN DOESNT QUESTION THIS MAN ASNJDILHASJKLE
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westywallowing · 28 days ago
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Year of the Snake!! 🐍
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edorazzi · 29 days ago
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Page 51 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! In which Felix gambles on his uncle's word to try and stop the Butterfly Miraculous... 🦋💥
Index | Start | Prev | Next
Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon, and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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buggachat · 1 year ago
Hey guys, if you like my work, I'd looove a little support on my ko-fi!
so, tbh, the actual reason I can make so many comics in a short amount of time is because I'm unemployed. don't worry, I have a stable living situation and all, but I don't get money to treat myself often so!! ko-fis do mean a lot to me <3
anyway, have some art that I don't think I ever posted?
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chatnia-starlight · 11 months ago
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a little addition to bakery enemies au part 184 from @buggachat I put the dialog to let y'all know where I imagined it'd go!
If you haven't already, go check her comic now!
ID: [Adrien blushing a bit is leaning over giving Marinette a kiss on the cheek making her blush profusely while she looks shocked. Adrien has a speech bubble over him saying "you're amazing".] End of ID
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wisteriasymphony · 7 months ago
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emodrien is an unreliable narrator actually, he wouldn't tell you but this is how it basically went when he saw her for the first time.
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the thing about adrien is that regardless of circumstance he's sappier than a fucking maple tree and this WILL manifest in one way or another. hopefully in ways that make him look like a lame and pathetic weenie
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anna-scribbles · 23 days ago
adrien agreste will NOT be the boyfriend you’re bringing to the girls sleepover movie night. he will NOT be an accomplice to that kind of behavior. he loves and prioritizes friendship far too deeply to even step foot into the sacred space of a girls’ night. he would rather chain himself to a tree ella-enchanted style than compromise the security of a friendship ritual. he’s not coming. stop asking.
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chocostrwberry · 8 months ago
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Akumatized Emelie Agreste, “Motherbird”!!
I’m not sure if I wanna make this part of my AU officially, (you’ll know if I add this to the master post) but I had this concept I wanted to draw out!
Emelie’s possessiveness manifesting in her willingly becoming akumatized so she can keep Adrien at home under her watchful eye. No one actually knew she was akumatized until Nathalie comes back after a business trip and realizes the house is under her rule, which she then calls the police and consequently Ladybug.
She has two forms: her Mother form and her Bird form!
Mother form is when she’s calm, and mostly just normal Emelie. Only after Ladybug interferes is when she becomes enraged, turning into her more feral Bird form. Her abilities include flying, a sort of banshee scream, and razor-sharp feathers!
I wanted to give her two forms to show kind of her dual personality. One moment she’s caring and overprotective, but when things don’t go her way she’s angry and volatile.
Adrien was probably there for about two or three days, unable to contact anyone outside and couldn’t transform into Chat Noir.
Her akumatized object is her necklace, which is actually in Adrien’s possession. So in order to defeat Motherbird, Ladybug will have to free Adrien.
I wanted to make her behavior towards Adrien stemming from her love for him, but also her crippling fear of him being taken away from her. Like, ofc as a young child they would need someone to look after them and be a place of comfort, which Emelie fulfilled perfectly. In Adrien’s eyes, she was the one who always made everything better, she was all he needed.
Since he’s a popular model I’m sure the Agreste family had to deal with stalkers and dangerous letters being sent directed towards him. Assuming Emelie was also popular in the eyes of the public growing up, she had to deal with a similar thing. This reinforced her idea that Adrien is the same as her. Having to protect Adrien from threats like this, Emelie unconsciously views the world for Adrien as dangerous, especially without her. This, combined with her sense of ego and projection of perfection onto her son, creates the kind of woman Adrien knows. It’s a combination of “I love my son and he’s perfect because I’m the one who made him” and “Everyone is trying to hurt my son, so I need to make sure he’s safe.”
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